Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Think Before You Speak

I’m not the type of guy that speaks out against social networking platforms, saying that it is Haram and stacked with evil etc. I firmly believe that if you follow the right people and remain within the boundaries, social networking can play a positive role in your life. Today’s post revolves around a tweet that I recently came across. It’s a tweet that could be elaborated in 140 volumes even though it’s only made up of 140 characters. I thought it would be beneficial for all of us if I break this tweet down and discuss in detail. Firstly, let’s look at the tweet….
Think Before You Speak Tweet
Though provoking isn’t it?
I think so too.
Let’s go through each point and while we at it, we can take a look at some examples…

1. T =is it True -
 This is probably the most important from the lot. Before uttering a statement or sharing a story, always confirm its authenticity. Due to the fact that we always find ourselves interacting and socializing, we develop a habit of sharing everything that we hear. Sometimes, unknowingly, we share stories that turn out to be rumours or lies. You probably thinking “But I read it in the news” I ask you, who said the media don’t lie? At times, we hear stories from friends and pass it on to others without confirming whether it’s true or not. A Hadith states that passing on everything (without confirming) is enough to render a person a liar. If you have to share something then choose your words correctly. Instead of saying…
“She stole the money”
Rather say…
“I heard that she stole the money but there’s no solid proof.”
Of course, better than that would be to say nothing at all.
2. H = is it Helpful - This point, like the next three, emphasizes on the manner in which a statement is uttered. Before you utter a statement, ask yourself if it will be of any help to the person. Yes, it might be true but will it be helpful? One hour before an important exam you find your friend engrossed in his books preparing for the exam. You take a seat next to him and disturb him by telling him about your weekend plans. There’s no lie in your plan. You speaking the truth but that’s not the point. The point is, is it helpful? He needs to study right now. Your weekend plans is not going to help him in the exam room.
3. I = is it going to inspire others - Sometimes, our words taste very bitter. We might not notice it but it actually destroys hope and crushes ambitions. Beware of this! The most unfortunate part is that, in most cases, we don’t realize our wrongs. We think that we having a simple friendly conversation not realizing that we just shattered someone’s hopes. Let’s look at an example so that we can understand better…

Your friend has a big exam coming up. He is preparing for the exam and studying quite hard. One day, when the topic of the exam comes up, you say…
“That’s a tough exam. Most people I know failed that exam. My cousin, who is quite intelligent, also failed that subject.”
Sure, it might be the truth. Sure, your cousin failed but is such a statement inspiring? Rather say…
“InshaAllah you’ll pass. You got the brains for it, I just know it.”
The above statement means a lot to a friend. It will make a world of difference. Guaranteed.
4. N = is it Necessary - What about statements that are not necessary.  Did we ever sit and ponder over the negative effects that it has? We will find ourselves in many situations where it will be better to remain silent because our words would cause more harm. If you visiting a sick person, think before you speak. Say things like “You’ll recover soon InshaAllah” even though doctors might say he has a few days to live. Say things like “Get well soon because we still have to visit all the places that you spoke about”. Such statements give a sick person hope.  Don’t say things that are not necessary like…
“Doctors say you got few days to live”
“You not looking well at all.”
“Start making a lot of Dhikr because it seems like your days are numbered.”
By doing this, you killing the heart of a person before he actually tastes death.
5. K = is it Kind - Another disease of the tongue is the utterances of unkind words that destroys feelings. In order to be popular, we’re often opt to insult or tease others. We have no idea what that person is going through. We often pass nasty remarks to get a message across. All this is unkind and uncalled for. It breaks people’s hearts, it isolates people, and sometimes, amongst teenagers, it leads to depression and suicide. Sweeten your tongue. Stay away from such habits.
To sum it up, I conclude with a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)…
“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak good or remain silent.”
I would like to see your thoughts in the comments section and don’t forget to share this with your friends.

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