Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Hijab - My Way My Life

I know that a lot of Muslim sisters have a desire to adopt the Hijab but due to outside interference, they never end up wearing it. In most cases, the people discouraging the sisters don’t mean bad, they just don’t understand. The intention to wear Hijab doesn’t make sense to them. They will often give reason as to why a girl should not wear Hijab and at times their reasons would seem like it’s making a lot of sense. If you find yourself in this situation then this is a list prepared especially for you. I have listed 8 comments that you might hear when intending to go into Hijab. Although these points are focused on Hijab, the guys who intend growing a beard or wearing the Sunnah Qamees should also read this. So let’s dive right into it.

8 comments you might hear when intending to wear hijab….

  1. You still young. Enjoy life first – Honestly, this comment doesn’t make sense. Basically this person is telling you to wait for your beauty to fade then adopt Hijab. The whole point of Hijab is to conceal your beauty from strange men. I’m not saying that older woman should not wear Hijab, but if Hijab is to conceal beauty doesn’t it make more sense to wear it when you young?Also, I have seen many grandfathers burying their grandchildren. Life is short. Never think you are too young. If it happens to be your last day on earth, you already too old.
  2. It will be difficult to fit in with the family – Firstly, most families are very accommodating. Not all, but most. InshaAllah, they will understand and they want what’s best for you so it wouldn’t be a problem if they see you making an effort to change. Many don’t say it but they actually respect and admire their family members that are on Sunnah. They won’t say it but eventually you will see a change in the way they treat you. Their respect for you will increase even though some of them might be older than you. That’s the beauty of Sunnah. Young or old, Allah grants dignity to whosoever adopts it. There might be other girls in the family who are also thinking of wearing Hijab but they afraid to take that step. If they see you, it could work as an encouragement for them.
  3. At least wait till you complete your studies – This is a tool of Shaytaan. When Shaytaan cannot change your mind, his last effort is to make you delay with the hope that your mind will change later on. Why should you wait till after you study? How is Hijab going to affect your studies? If anything, it will have a positive effect. If you intend wearing it, then wear it. Did anyone ever wait till after studies to wear a mini skirt? No! So why should you wait.When a person will please Allah, Allah will bless his/her life. Allah will grant ease and peace to the person’s heart. Who doesn’t want ease, peace and blessings while studying? Also, it could attract others, Muslim and non-Muslims, and can be a means of Dawah. You should check my article on this website about Dawah in the classroom.
  4. Who’s going to marry you? – I cannot help but laugh when I hear such a statement. When people around the world protest for the right to Hijab, is it only woman protesting? No! There are millions of men worldwide that protest. Millions love the Hijab. It’s the natural beauty of Sunnah that’s attractive. Relax, don’t worry about marriage. Allah has everything planned out. The man that’s meant for you will marry you, with Hijab or without it. It’s called Taqdeer (Allah’s decree). By adopting Hijab, don’t you think Allah will actually make it easier for you to get married seeing that you don’t break His commands and intermingle with men? Doesn’t it make sense?
  5. Don’t let them oppress you – So when a Christian lady conceals her body and becomes a nun she’s God-fearing but when a Muslim lady does it, it’s oppression. This is a comment that will be made by either a non-Muslim colleague or a Muslim friend that is very far away from Islam. How is concealing your body oppression? And how is it possible that more exposure of the body means more freedom and more liberation. If that’s the case then the most liberated beings on earth are the animals. They would also then be the most modern creatures. That lady that has to stand in front of the camera in her underwear for hours so that the perfect shot can be taken to put on a billboard for millions to see; now that’s oppression. That lady who walks to work with aching feet in high-heels because she has to keep up with the trends; now that’s oppression. That lady that has to wear the tightest skirt and unbutton the top button of her blouse when she walks in for a job interview; now that’s oppression my sister. Just a quick fact while we on the topic: Did you know that in the 1950’s when the two piece bikini was invented, strippers were hired to model it because no model in that era was willing to wear it in public.
  6. Imaan and Islam is in your heart, that’s enough – A good reply to people who give such comments should be “Your heart is beautiful, why you wearing make-up?” The level of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Imaan is unmatched but he still grew his beard and wore the Qamees. HazratAaisha’s (R.A) Imaan was of a very high level so why did she wear Hijab? Whatever is on the inside reflects on the outside. The fact that you intend or desire to wear Hijab shows that you pure inside. Those that have nothing to show on the outside most probably have nothing inside. The heart is the engine of the body. Your body does what the heart says. It’s not possible for a person to have strong Imaan in his/her heart and no sign of Sunnah on his/her body. It just doesn’t add up. If a can of soda is cold, you will feel the effects when you hold the can. It’s not possible for the drink to be cold while the can itself is hot. Do you get my point?  What’s inside has to reflect on the outside. If you desire to wear hijab, it shows that your heart is willing to do it. So go for it.
  7. Don’t rush into it, take your time –To a certain extent I agree with this argument. A person should not jump into it as soon as the idea pops up in your head. Remember, it is a big step so think about it and speak to others that are wearing Hijab etc. The reason why I listed this point is that sometimes people don’t want you to wear Hijab. They don’t know how to say it straight to you so they ‘beat around the bush’. They try to make you delay by saying “don’t rush into it, take your time.” The reason they might say this is because they don’t see and understand what you see and understand. They don’t see Hijab as a way of liberating yourself. They see it as something difficult. Like I mentioned earlier, Shaytan tries to make us delay. If he cannot whisper directly into our ears, he convinces others to try and convince us.
  8. You don’t even read Fajr Prayer but you want to wear Hijab – A lot of people think like this. They have this thinking that in order to wear Hijab or grow a beard, one has to be extremely pious. That doesn’t make sense. Hijab, beard, Salaah, fasting etc. are all separate actions. I know a lot of people who fast during the month of Ramadan but they don’t pray Taraweeh. Does it mean the fast is wasted? No. fasting and taraweeh are two separated actions. If a person performs Salaah but doesn’t pay Zakaat, does it mean that his Salaah is wasted? No. Every form of worship or action in Islam is separate. You will be rewarded separately for doing each one and you will suffer the consequences separately for missing each one. So whether you pray Fajr or not, whether you fast in Ramadan or not, whether you read Quran or not; if you desire to wear hijab then wear it. It’s a separate deed with its own rewards and blessings. Also, by taking this step of wearing Hijab, don’t you thinkAllah will grant you the ability and make it easy for you to fulfill His other commands?

In conclusion, remember Allah mentions in a Hadith Qudsi “When my servant comes towards me walking, I go towards him/her running.” If you take the first step, you will see Allah’s assistance in every aspect of your life. Allah will never abandon you. Don’t let others spoil your Paradise. Don’t let them spoil your life. If you feel deep down inside that you want to wear the Hijab, ask Allah to make it easy for you. When you make Dua, make a deal with Allah.

“Oh Allah, i am taking this step and wearing Hijab for your pleasure only. I might go through difficulties and hardships along the way. I ask you to be with me every step of the way.”
Of course Allah will agree to that deal.
Never think that your ‘small’ efforts for Allah will go in vain. Woman always played an important role in Islam…
First person to accept Islam – Hazrat Khadija R.A. (Woman)First person to die for Islam – Hazrat Sumayya R.A. (Woman)Greatest scholar of Islam – Hazrat Aaisha R.A. (Woman)Most love for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – Hazrat Faatima R.A. (Woman)Greatest sacrifice for Islam – Hazrat Khansaa R.A. (Woman)One of the greatest Muslim fighters – Hazrat Khawlah R.A. (Woman)
Pass this on to as many people as possible. There must thousands of sisters in the world that are thinking of wearing Hijab but they are too afraid to take the first step. Help them out, share this article. If you wearing Hijab or thinking about it, share some points with us in the comments section. A tip or some advice perhaps. We would love to hear.

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