haiii sahabat blog!! Berhubung insomnia nih yaa, aku mau bahas single perdananya Mike Tompkins yang baru rilis HARI INI!!!!! Sebenernya baru tau sama doi beberapa hari yang lalu, aku terpesona dengan paras indah wajahnya dan talentanya yang luar biasa :)) dahh, gitu aja.... Bye :D
Senin, 30 Juni 2014
Minggu, 29 Juni 2014
Love Letter to Carl and Ellie
In all our years of Disney movie watching, we’ve witnessed a number of memorable love stories. But one has left an indelible imprint on our hearts – we get an emotional punch to the gut from how much we love it because of how much they love each other.
We are, of course, referring to Carl and Ellie. And we thought it was a good time to express our appreciation for these two in a letter – classic and timeless, just like Carl and Ellie themselves.
Dear Carl and Ellie –
You’ve set the bar pretty high. And we’re not just talking about how you love each other – although you’ve set a new standard for where that’s concerned.
No, first we’re talking about clubs. We’ve never wanted to join one so much.

Second, your jobs. You work at a zoo with balloons and really cool outfits.

Speaking of outfits…
We love your sense of style. We never thought ties could be so meaningful.

You remind us that the small moments are everything.

And that some things, thankfully, never change.

Like how much you were both drawn to adventure.

And to each other.

We love when you show off your dreams.

Or when you go on adorable picnics together.

The way you grow together is the perfect reminder that true love like yours never really grows old.

We just love your life together.

We will always remember that there is adventure out there – and sometimes it’s right in our own homes.

Thanks for sharing your story (and adventure) with us, Carl and Ellie.
Love, us.
Love Lessons From Disney Princesses
Disney princesses have one thing in common: they know love. Whether it’s love between friends, family, or soulmates, we can all learn some important lessons from some of our favorite ladies.
Love is seeing the world from a new perspective.

Love is fighting for those who matter most.

Love is unexpected.

Love can help you find your voice again.

Love is believing in each other’s dreams.

Love is appreciating people for who they are inside.

Love has no rules.

Love is playful.

Love can catch you by surprise.

Love is learning to appreciate those you cherish.

Love is finding your happily ever after.

Love is putting someone else’s needs before yours.

Amazing Quotes Disney You Might Have Forgotten About
We can all recite those seriously classic Disney quotes. You know, like “a dream is a wish your heart makes” and “hakuna matata” and such. But what about the ones that get left behind? There are some really poignant quotes that just don’t get the same level of love. Here are a few of our favorites…
♫ Rest your head, close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine. ♫ – Dumbo
This scene turns us into sobbing messes every time. Every. Time.
This scene turns us into sobbing messes every time. Every. Time.
“Man has always learned from the past. After all, you can’t learn history in reverse!” – Archimedes from The Sword in the Stone

Archimedes is super wise.
Archimedes is super wise.
“I was hiding under your porch because I love you.” – Dug from Up

We love you too, Dug.
We love you too, Dug.
“When the three of us were young, we were taught that the world is full of magic.” – Denahi from Brother Bear

Thanks for the reminder, Brother Bear.
Thanks for the reminder, Brother Bear.
♫ Love goes on and on. ♫ – Robin Hood

Robin Hood is kind of a super romantic movie.
Robin Hood is kind of a super romantic movie.
“The children aren’t puppies, they’re people. And sooner or later Nana, people have to grow up.” – Mr. Darling from Peter Pan

This one really cuts deep, especially because of Nana’s soul crushing facial expression (WE WOULD NEVER LEAVE YOU BEHIND). This movie is all about never growing up, but Mr. Darling is right on the nose with this one. The great thing about Disney is, you can keep the magic with you at any age.
This one really cuts deep, especially because of Nana’s soul crushing facial expression (WE WOULD NEVER LEAVE YOU BEHIND). This movie is all about never growing up, but Mr. Darling is right on the nose with this one. The great thing about Disney is, you can keep the magic with you at any age.
“We had fantastical feasts… when I lived in the palace.” – Ursula from The Little Mermaid

This quote, guys. Ursula is one sneaky sea witch and this line drives us absolutely crazy. When? How? What? Why did you leave? We need to know more!
This quote, guys. Ursula is one sneaky sea witch and this line drives us absolutely crazy. When? How? What? Why did you leave? We need to know more!
“My daddy never did get what he wanted. But he had what he needed.” – Tiana from The Princess and the Frog

Just stop it. We can’t. This family is the best.
Just stop it. We can’t. This family is the best.
“Who’s to say I won’t live forever?” – Captain Jack Sparrow from The Pirates of the Caribbean

It’s this kind of confidence that will help Jack figure out a way to do just that.
It’s this kind of confidence that will help Jack figure out a way to do just that.
“Is there any chance that I’m going to get super-strength in my hand? Because I’m not going to lie. That would be stupendous.” – Flynn Rider from Tangled

Flynn, YOU are stupendous. And perfect. In every way.
Flynn, YOU are stupendous. And perfect. In every way.
Super Deep Disney Quotes part.2
We’re back with more incredibly important, nay, life-changing quotes. Get ready. Put down your beverages (because we don’t want you spitting them out in shock and awe as you read these quotes). Basically, be prepared for more mind-blowing truths spoken by some of your favorite characters.
“You are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh

Ugh. Christopher Robin with the wisdom. He’s only a kid and yet that was the best pep talk we’ve heard in forever.
Ugh. Christopher Robin with the wisdom. He’s only a kid and yet that was the best pep talk we’ve heard in forever.
“Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” – Lilo, Lilo & Stitch

We’re grabbing a tissue. Family is more than just your relatives. It’s also the people you choose to surround yourself with. And, as Lilo says, it means that no one has to be alone.
We’re grabbing a tissue. Family is more than just your relatives. It’s also the people you choose to surround yourself with. And, as Lilo says, it means that no one has to be alone.
“Even miracles take a little time.” – Fairy Godmother, Cinderella

The Fairy Godmother knows what she’s talking about. Miracles can take time, so don’t sit around waiting for them. We mean, it’s great if they happen, but if not, make your own miracles.
The Fairy Godmother knows what she’s talking about. Miracles can take time, so don’t sit around waiting for them. We mean, it’s great if they happen, but if not, make your own miracles.
“Go. Live your dream.” – Hook Hand Thug, Tangled

Seriously, everyone. Live your dreams! Work hard and think positively and get out there and do what you love. (End speech.)
Seriously, everyone. Live your dreams! Work hard and think positively and get out there and do what you love. (End speech.)
“You’re mad, bonkers, off your head! But I’ll tell you a secret: all the best people are.” – Charles Kingsleigh, Alice in Wonderland

We’re more than a little relieved to hear that all the best people are a bit mad. This quote just makes us smile. And think. And then smile again.
We’re more than a little relieved to hear that all the best people are a bit mad. This quote just makes us smile. And think. And then smile again.
“And don’t spend your time lookin’ around for something you want that can’t be found.” – Baloo, The Jungle Book

Great point, Baloo. We spend so much time pining after things in life that we don’t really need. Maybe we should take the bear’s advice and let the necessities come to us once in awhile.
Great point, Baloo. We spend so much time pining after things in life that we don’t really need. Maybe we should take the bear’s advice and let the necessities come to us once in awhile.
“She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.” – Narrator, Beauty and the Beast

If there’s one thing we learned from Beauty and the Beast, it’s that it matters more who you are on the inside than what you look like on the outside. If there are two things we learned from Beauty and the Beast, the second would be that if it’s not baroque, don’t fix it. Sound advice.
If there’s one thing we learned from Beauty and the Beast, it’s that it matters more who you are on the inside than what you look like on the outside. If there are two things we learned from Beauty and the Beast, the second would be that if it’s not baroque, don’t fix it. Sound advice.
“I’d rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you.” – John Smith, Pocahontas

Well this is just beautiful in that we-have-chills/takes-our-breath-away kind of way. We need a moment.
Well this is just beautiful in that we-have-chills/takes-our-breath-away kind of way. We need a moment.
“Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.” – Helen Parr/Elastigirl, The Incredibles

We knew Helen Parr had super skills, she’s Elastigirl after all, and clearly one of those skills is wisdom, because she says this and…wow. Just wow.
We knew Helen Parr had super skills, she’s Elastigirl after all, and clearly one of those skills is wisdom, because she says this and…wow. Just wow.
“I know every mile will be worth my while. I would go most anywhere to feel like I belong.” – Hercules, Hercules

Going the distance is literal for Hercules’ journey, but it’s also a super deep metaphor for taking the time to find out who you are. Putting the glad in gladiator is only possible after you’re happy just being you.
Going the distance is literal for Hercules’ journey, but it’s also a super deep metaphor for taking the time to find out who you are. Putting the glad in gladiator is only possible after you’re happy just being you.
“Maleficent doesn’t know anything about love, or kindness, or the joy of helping others. You know, sometimes I don’t think she’s really very happy.” – Fauna, Sleeping Beauty

Woah. We’ve never considered that maybe Maleficent is unhappy and that’s the root of her need to harm others. What if someone had just given her a hug? Hugs, guys.
Woah. We’ve never considered that maybe Maleficent is unhappy and that’s the root of her need to harm others. What if someone had just given her a hug? Hugs, guys.
“No matter what anyone says, you’ll always be a prince to me.” – Genie, Aladdin

Oh boy. Just when you think the Genie is all jokes he says something like this. And he’s right. Being a prince is about more than wearing a crown. For Aladdin, it’s about being a good person.
Oh boy. Just when you think the Genie is all jokes he says something like this. And he’s right. Being a prince is about more than wearing a crown. For Aladdin, it’s about being a good person.
“Authority should derive from consent of the governed, not from threat of force!” – Barbie, Toy Story 3

Is it just us or did Barbie just get very political? In any case, we’re on board. Viva la revolution (of toys)!
Is it just us or did Barbie just get very political? In any case, we’re on board. Viva la revolution (of toys)!
“Fact is there’s nothin’ out there you can’t do. Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you.” – Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, The Muppet Movie

How empowering is it to think that Santa Claus believes in us, just as much as we believe in him? Dr. Teeth has no idea just how heavy duty his melodious tunes really are….or does he?
How empowering is it to think that Santa Claus believes in us, just as much as we believe in him? Dr. Teeth has no idea just how heavy duty his melodious tunes really are….or does he?
“So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I.” – Mufasa, The Lion King

Aaaand cue the tears. Kings are going to guide Simba, and vicariously, us too. We suddenly feel important and special. Thanks, Mufasa.
Aaaand cue the tears. Kings are going to guide Simba, and vicariously, us too. We suddenly feel important and special. Thanks, Mufasa.
Super Deep Disney Quotes Part 1
Here at OMD we sometimes need our minds blown. You know, to keep things interesting. In those situations we turn to these super deep moments in some of our favorite Disney movies. It’s like giving ourselves a pep talk. We have a think. We take a moment. And we move on. Join us, won’t you?
“The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.” – Rafiki, The Lion King

Rafiki is pretty wise. And this is great advice. We’re glad we got it second-hand and Rafiki didn’t have to hit us on the head with a stick to drive the point home…cough, cough…Simba…cough, cough.
Rafiki is pretty wise. And this is great advice. We’re glad we got it second-hand and Rafiki didn’t have to hit us on the head with a stick to drive the point home…cough, cough…Simba…cough, cough.
“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” – Cinderella, Cinderella

Cinderella never gives up. She has a dream and she goes after it. We love that.
Cinderella never gives up. She has a dream and she goes after it. We love that.
“Don’t think and don’t worry. When the times comes, you’ll know what to do.” - Helen Parr, The Incredibles

What a perfect “mom” thing to say, right? Helen Parr, you’re doing parenting right.
What a perfect “mom” thing to say, right? Helen Parr, you’re doing parenting right.
“If you don’t think, then you shouldn’t talk.” - March Hare, Alice in Wonderland

Oh. Snap. That is all.
Oh. Snap. That is all.
“You just need to believe in yourself.” – Rex, Toy Story 2

Rex could say anything and put a smile on our face, but this makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Rex could say anything and put a smile on our face, but this makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.” – Grandmother Willow, Pocahontas

We have never met a wiser tree. And that’s saying something.
We have never met a wiser tree. And that’s saying something.
“The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability.” – Remy, Ratatouille

Remy is teaching a valuable lesson about going with the flow. We made a note in our “feelings to have everyday at specific times” calendar about this. We shall go with the flow tomorrow from 10-11am.
Remy is teaching a valuable lesson about going with the flow. We made a note in our “feelings to have everyday at specific times” calendar about this. We shall go with the flow tomorrow from 10-11am.
“If watching is all you’re going to do, then you’re going to watch your life go by without you.” – Laverne, The Hunchback of Notre Dame

We mean, wow.
We mean, wow.
“I was so upset, I forgot to be happy.” – Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh

Oh, Eeyore! Why can’t we give you a hug!? But seriously, this is deep. We shouldn’t dwell on upsetting things that are stopping us from being happy. Eeyore gets it.
Oh, Eeyore! Why can’t we give you a hug!? But seriously, this is deep. We shouldn’t dwell on upsetting things that are stopping us from being happy. Eeyore gets it.
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.” – Emperor, Mulan

We heart the emperor; he thinks Mulan is the bees knees and we’d have to agree. So all you Huns who underestimated her, don’t you feel silly?
We heart the emperor; he thinks Mulan is the bees knees and we’d have to agree. So all you Huns who underestimated her, don’t you feel silly?
“Like so many things, it is not what’s on the outside, but inside that counts.” – Merchant, Aladdin

This is totally a metaphor, guys. He’s talking about the dusty old lamp, but he’s also talking about Aladdin! #DiamondInTheRough
This is totally a metaphor, guys. He’s talking about the dusty old lamp, but he’s also talking about Aladdin! #DiamondInTheRough
“Trust. It’s what friends do.” – Dory, Finding Nemo

Dory pretty much says it all here. Even when she can’t remember who she is, she always remembers her friends.
Dory pretty much says it all here. Even when she can’t remember who she is, she always remembers her friends.
“A lie keeps growing and growing until it’s as plain as the nose on your face.” – The Blue Fairy, Pinocchio

The Blue Fairy doesn’t mess around. She tells it like it is. Don’t lie, guys. Just don’t.
The Blue Fairy doesn’t mess around. She tells it like it is. Don’t lie, guys. Just don’t.
We hope these super deep quotes have made you put your chin in your hand and ponder things. What things? Well that’s totally up to you. Most likely things in this article, but whatever floats your boat. We feel like we’re rambling because we’re still recovering from the awesomeness of these quotes, so we’re gonna stop now.
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